If there's a question not answered below then please use the contact form (click here).
1. What are the advantages of SIPS over other building systems?
2. Does SIP construction meet NZ building codes?
3. What does a SIPS house look like?
4. How long does it take to build a SIPS house?
5. How well insulated is a SIPs house?
6. How does SIPs construction help the envioroment?
7. What does a SIPs house cost to build?
- Speed of construction
- High levels of thermal insulation
- Strong and damage resistant construction
- Cost savings
YES!. All Thermawise homes have individual engineering certification to show compliance with NZ codes. All materials have BRANZ approval. With success across every council in New Zealand, we are unique for a SIP construction housing business. We exceed many of the New Zealand build code standards
No different to any house built using more common building methods. A wide range of exterior finishes can be used. Looking through our Home page you will quickly realise there is very little difference in appearance, while achieving higher than average build standards
The actual time frame will will depend on the complexity of the design, but typically it will take half the time as an equivalent conventional timber framed house.
Energy efficiency. SIPs construction of the type used by Thermawise use an average of 50% less energy than conventionally framed homes to stay warm. This is due to the significantly higher R-value for the same thickness of wall – standard fibreglass insulation with 100mm timber-framing in walls has an R-value of 1.64, whilst Thermawise SIPs has R2.75 (and achieves R5.50 in ceilings and roofs). SIPs also eliminate any loss due to gaps in insulation - a small 4mm air gap left in standard fibreglass insulation can decrease insulation performance by up to 15% while a 16mm gap will reduce it by a whopping 35%.
Improved air quality. Modern building techniques now utilise ‘passive’ house design where air coming into and out of the building is tightly controlled, generating a more stable internal air environment and reducing the need for additional heating or cooling and removing issues with dust and air pollutants. SIPs panel systems offer a dense, uniform, and continuous air barrier with few thermal bridges.
In addition, because SIPS are airtight, no insulation value is lost by air leakage.
Because SIPS built houses are so well insulated the amount of energy required to heat or cool them is substantially reduced. Thermawise panels are made from materials that can readily be recycled.
Usually about 10% cheaper than the same house built by more common building methods. Although SIPS materials are more expensive, the major saving in on site labour, gives an overall lower building cost. This is especially true for remote sites such as off shore islands or other places with difficult access.
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