Stronger, Warmer, Efficient Housing


Why Thermawise Homes

The benefits and features of insulated panel are numerous and when you become knowledgable, you wonder why anyone would build anything but a Thermawise Home!

  • Energy Efficiency - Insulation: Heating and cooling is on of the largest home expenses after the mortgage payment. Thermawise Homes homes use an average of 50% less energy than conventionally framed homes to stay warm. No need to worry when its cold outside, your Thermawise Homes keeps you warm - even in the most extreme conditions.

  • Air Quality: In the past we thought homes should be built to "breath" (or leak). Today we have come to realise that if your home is breathing or leaking you're losing money on heating and cooling costs, while letting dust and outdoor polluntants in. Panel systems offer a dense, uniform and continuous air barrier with few thermal bridges.

  • Green Building: The pre-engineered nature of the Thermawise Homes system virtually eliminates job site waste during framing, creating less stress on our valuable landfills. In addition, Thermawise Homes use an average of 50% less energy than conventionally framed homes. Residential energy use constitutes 20 percent of all carbon dioxide air pollution. It also accounts for 26 percent of sulfur dioxide and 15 percent of nitrogen oxide emissions.

  • Speed and Ease of Construction: Modular construction methods mean your home is built in a 1/3 of the time of traditional methods. You're in your home quicker and there are no cost concerns for going over budget due to delays in construction.

  • Durability and Versatility: Insulated Panel Construction offers durability and versatility that exceed traditional building methods. Because of the nature of the insulated panel manufacturing process makes them extremely strong, and also light weight. Insulated Panel Construction is hurricane resistant and has a long life expectancy.

  • Fire Proof: Flameguard fire resistance panel is your options to futher protect your investment and where improved fire performance is required. You have the choice of building with our Flameguard panels where the insulation is classed as a non-combustible building material.

  • Cost: The actual cost to build an insulated panel home is much more competitive than that of a traditional building method, plus there are a great deal more benefits. In addition to a more affordable home, your cooling , heating and maintenance costs are greatly reduced saving you money long after your home has been built.

  • Quiet Living: As part of the positive insulation properties of insulated panel, noise is greatly reduced over traditional methods.

  • Low maintenance: The robustness of the building system mean low maintainance requirements.

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SIP Panel Construction

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